Grigori Kromanov Death
Grigori passed away on July 18, 1984 at the age of 58 in Lahe, Estonia.
Grigori Kromanov death quick facts:
When did Grigori Kromanov die?
July 18, 1984How old was Grigori Kromanov when died?
58Where did Grigori Kromanov die? What was the location of death?
Lahe, Estonia
Grigori Kromanov Birthday and Date of Death
Grigori Kromanov was born on March 8, 1926 and died on July 18, 1984. Grigori was 58 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: March 8, 1926
Date of Death: July 18, 1984
Age at Death: 58
Grigori Kromanov - Biography
Grigori Kromanov (8 March 1926 in Tallinn – 18 July 1984 in Lahe, Lääne-Virumaa) was an Estonian theatre and film director. He directed some of the best known Estonian movies, including Viimne reliikvia (The Last Relic) and Dead Mountaineer's Hotel.