Hagai Shaham


Is Hagai Shaham Dead or Still Alive? Hagai Shaham Birthday and Age

Hagai Shaham

How Old Is Hagai Shaham? Hagai Shaham Birthday

Hagai Shaham was born on July 8, 1966 and is 58 years old now.

Birthday: July 8, 1966
How Old - Age: 58

Hagai Shaham Death Fact Check

Hagai is alive and kicking and is currently 58 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Hagai Shaham - Biography

Hagai Shaham (Hebrew: חגי שחם‎, born July 8, 1966) is an acclaimed Israeli violin virtuoso. He began studying the violin at the age of six and was the last student of the late Professor Ilona Feher. He is also a violin teacher, and a professor at the Buchmann-Mehta School of Music (formerly the Samuel Rubin Israel Academy of Music), in the Faculty of Arts at Tel Aviv University.