Henry G. Sanders


Is Henry G. Sanders Dead or Still Alive? Henry G. Sanders Birthday and Age

Henry G. Sanders

How Old Is Henry G. Sanders? Henry G. Sanders Birthday

Henry G. Sanders was born on August 18, 1942 and is 82 years old now.

Birthday: August 18, 1942
How Old - Age: 82

Henry G. Sanders Death Fact Check

Henry is alive and kicking and is currently 82 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Henry G. Sanders - Biography

Henry Gale Sanders (born August 18, 1942 in Houston, Texas) is an African-American actor best known for his role in Charles Burnett's 1977 neo-realist film Killer of Sheep. He has also appeared extensively on television, on such programs as The Rockford Files, Tenspeed and Brown Shoe, Knight Rider, Knots Landing, Miami Vice, Cagney & Lacey, Married... with Children, Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, NYPD Blue, and The Mentalist.