Herman J. Mankiewicz


Is Herman J. Mankiewicz Dead or Still Alive? Herman J. Mankiewicz Birthday and Date of Death

Herman J. Mankiewicz

Herman J. Mankiewicz Death

Herman passed away on March 5, 1953 at the age of 55 in Hollywood, California. Herman's cause of death was uremic poisoning.

Herman J. Mankiewicz death quick facts:
  • When did Herman J. Mankiewicz die?

    March 5, 1953
  • How did Herman J. Mankiewicz die? What was the cause of death?

    Uremic poisoning
  • How old was Herman J. Mankiewicz when died?

  • Where did Herman J. Mankiewicz die? What was the location of death?

    Hollywood, California

Herman J. Mankiewicz Birthday and Date of Death

Herman J. Mankiewicz was born on November 7, 1897 and died on March 5, 1953. Herman was 55 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 7, 1897
Date of Death: March 5, 1953
Age at Death: 55

Is Herman J. Mankiewicz's father, Franz Mankiewicz, dead or alive?

Franz Mankiewicz's information is not available now.

Is Herman J. Mankiewicz's mother, Johanna Blumenau Mankiewicz, dead or alive?

Johanna Blumenau Mankiewicz's information is not available now.

Herman J. Mankiewicz's brother :

  • Joseph Mankiewicz

Herman J. Mankiewicz - Biography

Herman Jacob Mankiewicz was an American screenwriter, who, with Orson Welles, wrote the screenplay for Citizen Kane. Earlier, he was the Berlin correspondent for the Chicago Tribune and the drama critic for The New York Times and The New Yorker. Alexander Woollcott said that Herman Mankiewicz was the "funniest man in New York". Both Mankiewicz and Welles received Academy Awards for their screenplay.