Howard Marks


Is Howard Marks Dead or Still Alive? Howard Marks Birthday and Date of Death

Howard Marks

Howard Marks Death

Howard passed away on April 10, 2016 at the age of 70.

Howard Marks death quick facts:
  • When did Howard Marks die?

    April 10, 2016
  • How old was Howard Marks when died?


Howard Marks Birthday and Date of Death

Howard Marks was born on August 13, 1945 and died on April 10, 2016. Howard was 70 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 13, 1945
Date of Death: April 10, 2016
Age at Death: 70

Howard Marks - Biography

Howard Marks (born Dennis Howard Marks on 13 August 1945) is a Welsh former drug smuggler turned author, who achieved notoriety as an international cannabis smuggler through high-profile court cases. At his peak he was supposedly smuggling consignments of the drug as large as 30 tons, and was connected with groups as diverse as the CIA, the IRA, MI6, and the Mafia. He was eventually convicted by the American Drug Enforcement Administration and handed a 25-year sentence to be served at Terre Haute; he was released in April 1995 after serving seven years. Though he had up to 43 different aliases, he became known as Mr Nice, after he bought a passport from convicted murderer Donald Nice.