Igo Sym Death
Igo passed away on March 7, 1941 at the age of 44 in Warsaw, Poland. Igo's cause of death was homicide.
Igo Sym death quick facts:
When did Igo Sym die?
March 7, 1941How did Igo Sym die? What was the cause of death?
HomicideHow old was Igo Sym when died?
44Where did Igo Sym die? What was the location of death?
Warsaw, Poland
Igo Sym Birthday and Date of Death
Igo Sym was born on July 3, 1896 and died on March 7, 1941. Igo was 44 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: July 3, 1896
Date of Death: March 7, 1941
Age at Death: 44
Is Igo Sym's father, Anton Sym, dead or alive?
Anton Sym's information is not available now.
Is Igo Sym's mother, Julia nee' Sepp, dead or alive?
Julia nee' Sepp's information is not available now.
Igo Sym - Biography
Karol Juliusz "Igo" Sym was an Austrian-born Polish actor and collaborator with Nazi Germany. He was killed in Warsaw by members of the Polish resistance movement.