Isabella of Portugal


Is Isabella of Portugal Dead or Still Alive? Isabella of Portugal Birthday and Date of Death

Isabella of Portugal

Isabella of Portugal Death

Isabella passed away on May 1, 1539 at the age of 35.

Isabella of Portugal death quick facts:
  • When did Isabella of Portugal die?

    May 1, 1539
  • How old was Isabella of Portugal when died?


Isabella of Portugal Birthday and Date of Death

Isabella of Portugal was born on October 4, 1503 and died on May 1, 1539. Isabella was 35 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 4, 1503
Date of Death: May 1, 1539
Age at Death: 35

Is Isabella of Portugal's father, Manuel I of Portugal, dead or alive?

Isabella of Portugal's father, Manuel I of Portugal, died on December 13, 1521 as he was 52 years old.

Is Isabella of Portugal's mother, Maria of Aragon, dead or alive?

Maria of Aragon's information is not available now.

Isabella of Portugal - Biography

Isabella of Portugal was a Portuguese Princess and Holy Roman Empress, Duchess of Burgundy, and a Queen Regent/Consort of Spain. She was the daughter of Manuel I of Portugal and Maria of Aragon. By her marriage to Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, Isabella was also Holy Roman Empress and Queen consort of Aragon and Castile. She served as the regent of Spain during the absence of her spouse for long periods.