Isamu Noguchi Death
Isamu passed away on December 30, 1988 at the age of 84 in New York City.
Isamu Noguchi death quick facts:
When did Isamu Noguchi die?
December 30, 1988How old was Isamu Noguchi when died?
84Where did Isamu Noguchi die? What was the location of death?
New York City
Isamu Noguchi Birthday and Date of Death
Isamu Noguchi was born on November 17, 1904 and died on December 30, 1988. Isamu was 84 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: November 17, 1904
Date of Death: December 30, 1988
Age at Death: 84
Isamu Noguchi - Biography
Isamu Noguchi (野口 勇, Noguchi Isamu, November 17, 1904 – December 30, 1988) was an American artist and landscape architect whose artistic career spanned six decades, from the 1920s onward. Known for his sculpture and public works, Noguchi also designed stage sets for various Martha Graham productions, and several mass-produced lamps and furniture pieces, some of which are still manufactured and sold.