James Brady


Is James Brady Dead or Still Alive? James Brady Birthday and Date of Death

James Brady

James Brady Death

James passed away on August 4, 2014 at the age of 73 in Alexandria, Virginia, USA. James's cause of death was homicide.

James Brady death quick facts:
  • When did James Brady die?

    August 4, 2014
  • How did James Brady die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was James Brady when died?

  • Where did James Brady die? What was the location of death?

    Alexandria, Virginia, USA

James Brady Birthday and Date of Death

James Brady was born on August 29, 1940 and died on August 4, 2014. James was 73 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 29, 1940
Date of Death: August 4, 2014
Age at Death: 73

Is James Brady's father, Harold J. Brady, dead or alive?

Harold J. Brady's information is not available now.

Is James Brady's mother, Dorothy Davidson, dead or alive?

Dorothy Davidson's information is not available now.

James Brady - Biography

James Scott "Jim" Brady was an assistant to the U.S. President and White House Press Secretary under President Ronald Reagan. After nearly being killed and becoming permanently disabled as a result of the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan in 1981, Brady became an ardent supporter of gun control. Brady died on August 4, 2014, 33 years after the shooting. His death was ruled a homicide, caused by the gunshot wound he received in 1981.