Jane Froman


Is Jane Froman Dead or Still Alive? Jane Froman Birthday and Date of Death

Jane Froman

Jane Froman Death

Jane passed away on April 22, 1980 at the age of 72 in Columbia, Missouri, USA. Jane's cause of death was cardiac arrest caused by chronic heart and lung disease.

Jane Froman death quick facts:
  • When did Jane Froman die?

    April 22, 1980
  • How did Jane Froman die? What was the cause of death?

    Cardiac arrest caused by chronic heart and lung disease
  • How old was Jane Froman when died?

  • Where did Jane Froman die? What was the location of death?

    Columbia, Missouri, USA

Jane Froman Birthday and Date of Death

Jane Froman was born on November 10, 1907 and died on April 22, 1980. Jane was 72 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 10, 1907
Date of Death: April 22, 1980
Age at Death: 72

Is Jane Froman's father, Elmer Ellsworth Froman, dead or alive?

Elmer Ellsworth Froman's information is not available now.

Is Jane Froman's mother, Anna T. Barcafer, dead or alive?

Anna T. Barcafer's information is not available now.

Jane Froman - Biography

Jane Froman was an American singer and actress. During her thirty-year career, Froman performed on stage, radio and television despite chronic injuries that she sustained from a 1943 plane crash.