How Old Is Jaycee Chan? Jaycee Chan Birthday
Jaycee Chan was born on December 3, 1982 and is 42 years old now.
Birthday: December 3, 1982
How Old - Age: 42
Jaycee Chan Death Fact Check
Jaycee is alive and kicking and is currently 42 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Jaycee Chan's father, Jackie Chan, dead or alive?
Jaycee Chan's father, Jackie Chan, is still alive and kicking at the age of 70. He is Hong Konger and has had a career as an actor, producer, martial arts star, stunt.
Is Jaycee Chan's mother, Feng-Jiao Lin, dead or alive?
Jaycee Chan's mother, Feng-Jiao Lin, is still alive and kicking at the age of 71. She is Taiwanese and has had a career as an actress.
Jaycee Chan - Biography
Jaycee Chan Jo-ming is an American-born Hong Kong actor and singer. In 2004, he released his first Mandarin CD album in Hong Kong. He was based in Taiwan to continue his music career. He is the son of the Hong Kong martial artist and actor, Jackie Chan and his wife, Lin Feng-Jiao. He sings and performs in Mandarin and Cantonese. He is currently on a hiatus from the entertainment industry after he was arrested and jailed for providing his apartment in Beijing for drug users to smoke marijuana in but he stated that he has a plan to make a comeback and to even direct a film.