Jean Gabin


Is Jean Gabin Dead or Still Alive? Jean Gabin Birthday and Date of Death

Jean Gabin

Jean Gabin Death

Jean passed away on November 15, 1976 at the age of 72 in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France. Jean's cause of death was heart attack.

Jean Gabin death quick facts:
  • When did Jean Gabin die?

    November 15, 1976
  • How did Jean Gabin die? What was the cause of death?

    Heart attack
  • How old was Jean Gabin when died?

  • Where did Jean Gabin die? What was the location of death?

    Neuilly-sur-Seine, France

Jean Gabin Birthday and Date of Death

Jean Gabin was born on May 17, 1904 and died on November 15, 1976. Jean was 72 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 17, 1904
Date of Death: November 15, 1976
Age at Death: 72

Jean Gabin - Biography

Jean-Alexis Moncorge started his career with 15 years at the theatre and debuted at the "Moulin Rouge" in Paris in 1929. Despite of his rude aspect he knew to be the gentleman of the French cinema in the time between the two World Wars. One of his most popular personalities was inspector Maigret. But he was also able to play all other kind of people: aristocrats, farmers, thieves and managers. He never stopped working and when death surprised him in 1976 he was still an institution for the French audience.