Jimmy Aubrey Death
Jimmy passed away on September 2, 1983 at the age of 95.
Jimmy Aubrey death quick facts:
When did Jimmy Aubrey die?
September 2, 1983How old was Jimmy Aubrey when died?
Jimmy Aubrey Birthday and Date of Death
Jimmy Aubrey was born on October 23, 1887 and died on September 2, 1983. Jimmy was 95 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: October 23, 1887
Date of Death: September 2, 1983
Age at Death: 95
Jimmy Aubrey - Biography
Jimmy Aubrey (23 October 1887 in Bolton, Lancashire, England – 2 September 1983 in Woodland Hills, California) was an English actor who worked with both Charlie Chaplin and Laurel and Hardy, having gone with Fred Karno's company to America. However he left to start on his own in Vaudeville. He started in comedies, then went on to comedic roles in drama.