Joachim Peiper


Is Joachim Peiper Dead or Still Alive? Joachim Peiper Birthday and Date of Death

Joachim Peiper

Joachim Peiper Death

Joachim passed away on July 14, 1976 at the age of 61 in Traves, Haute-Saone, France.

Joachim Peiper death quick facts:
  • When did Joachim Peiper die?

    July 14, 1976
  • How old was Joachim Peiper when died?

  • Where did Joachim Peiper die? What was the location of death?

    Traves, Haute-Saone, France

Joachim Peiper Birthday and Date of Death

Joachim Peiper was born on January 30, 1915 and died on July 14, 1976. Joachim was 61 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 30, 1915
Date of Death: July 14, 1976
Age at Death: 61

Joachim Peiper - Biography

Joachim Peiper (30 January 1915 – 14 July 1976), also known as Jochen Peiper, was a field officer in the Waffen-SS during World War II and personal adjutant to Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler between November 1940 and August 1941. Peiper fought on both the Eastern Front against the Red Army and the Western Front against the Western Allies, and he won the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords for extreme battlefield bravery and outstanding military leadership. By 1945, he was an SS-Standartenführer and the Waffen-SS's youngest regimental colonel.