Joe Connelly


Is Joe Connelly Dead or Still Alive? Joe Connelly Birthday and Date of Death

Joe Connelly

Joe Connelly Death

Joe passed away on February 13, 2003 at the age of 85 in Newport Beach, California, USA.

Joe Connelly death quick facts:
  • When did Joe Connelly die?

    February 13, 2003
  • How old was Joe Connelly when died?

  • Where did Joe Connelly die? What was the location of death?

    Newport Beach, California, USA

Joe Connelly Birthday and Date of Death

Joe Connelly was born on August 22, 1917 and died on February 13, 2003. Joe was 85 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 22, 1917
Date of Death: February 13, 2003
Age at Death: 85

Joe Connelly - Biography

Joe Connelly (August 22, 1917 – February 13, 2003) was a television and radio scriptwriter born in New York City. He was best known for his work on Amos and Andy, Meet Mr. McNutley, Leave It To Beaver, Ichabod and Me, Bringing Up Buddy, and The Munsters, along with his co-writer Bob Mosher who hails from Auburn, New York.