Joe Fleishaker Death
Joe Fleishaker passed away on May 23, 2016.
Joe Fleishaker death quick facts:
When did Joe Fleishaker die?
May 23, 2016How old was Joe Fleishaker when died?
Joe Fleishaker Birthday and Date of Death
Joe Fleishaker died on May 23, 2016.
Birthday: -
Date of Death: May 23, 2016
Age at Death: -
Joe Fleishaker - Biography
Joseph Isaac "Joe" Fleishaker (1954 – May 23, 2016) was an American character actor best known for his appearances in low-budget cult and horror movies, in particular those produced by New York-based independent film company Troma Entertainment, who have billed Fleishaker as "Troma's biggest action star", humorously alluding to his morbid obesity which reached in excess of five hundred pounds.