John Dawson


Is John Dawson Dead or Still Alive? John Dawson Birthday and Date of Death

John Dawson

John Dawson Death

John passed away on July 21, 2009 at the age of 64 in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. John's cause of death was stomach cancer.

John Dawson death quick facts:
  • When did John Dawson die?

    July 21, 2009
  • How did John Dawson die? What was the cause of death?

    Stomach cancer
  • How old was John Dawson when died?

  • Where did John Dawson die? What was the location of death?

    San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

John Dawson Birthday and Date of Death

John Dawson was born on June 16, 1945 and died on July 21, 2009. John was 64 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 16, 1945
Date of Death: July 21, 2009
Age at Death: 64

John Dawson - Biography

John Collins Dawson IV (June 16, 1945 – July 21, 2009), nicknamed "Marmaduke", was an American musician, singer, and songwriter. He was best known as the leader and co-founder of the country rock band the New Riders of the Purple Sage.