John Gallaudet


Is John Gallaudet Dead or Still Alive? John Gallaudet Birthday and Date of Death

John Gallaudet

John Gallaudet Death

John passed away on November 5, 1983 at the age of 80 in Los Angeles, California United States.

John Gallaudet death quick facts:
  • When did John Gallaudet die?

    November 5, 1983
  • How old was John Gallaudet when died?

  • Where did John Gallaudet die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles, California United States

John Gallaudet Birthday and Date of Death

John Gallaudet was born on August 23, 1903 and died on November 5, 1983. John was 80 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 23, 1903
Date of Death: November 5, 1983
Age at Death: 80

John Gallaudet - Biography

Biography by Hal EricksonThe son of an Episcopal priest, John Gallaudet commenced his professional acting career after graduating from Williams College. He appeared on both Broadway and in stock opposite actors ranging from Fred Astaire to Helen Hayes. The slight, thinnish-haired Gallaudet spent several years in the 1930s as the resident character star of Columbia Pictures' "B" unit, playing everything from kindhearted doctors to serpentlike crooks. He owns the distinction of being one the few actors to ever "murder" Rita Hayworth, dispatching the lovely young actress with a poisoned baseball glove in the 1937 potboiler Girls Can Play. Active in films until the 1950s, John Gallaudet was well known and highly regarded throughout the film community for his off-camera vocation as a champion golfer.