John London


Is John London Dead or Still Alive? John London Birthday and Date of Death

John London

John London Death

John passed away on February 12, 2000 at the age of 58.

John London death quick facts:
  • When did John London die?

    February 12, 2000
  • How old was John London when died?


John London Birthday and Date of Death

John London was born on February 6, 1942 and died on February 12, 2000. John was 58 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 6, 1942
Date of Death: February 12, 2000
Age at Death: 58

John London - Biography

John Carl Kuehne (February 6, 1942 – February 12, 2000), better known as John London, was an American musician and songwriter, and was involved in several Hollywood television and movie productions. He was most notably associated with both the band The Monkees and their television series.