John Merrick


Is John Merrick Dead or Still Alive? John Merrick Birthday and Date of Death

John Merrick

John Merrick Death

Joseph passed away on April 11, 1890 at the age of 27 in The London Hospital, England. Joseph's cause of death was asphyxia.

John Merrick death quick facts:
  • When did John Merrick die?

    April 11, 1890
  • How did John Merrick die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was John Merrick when died?

  • Where did John Merrick die? What was the location of death?

    The London Hospital, England

John Merrick Birthday and Date of Death

John Merrick was born on August 5, 1862 and died on April 11, 1890. Joseph was 27 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 5, 1862
Date of Death: April 11, 1890
Age at Death: 27

Is John Merrick's father, Joseph Rockley Merrick, dead or alive?

Joseph Rockley Merrick's information is not available now.

Is John Merrick's mother, Mary Jane, dead or alive?

John Merrick's mother, Mary Jane, is still alive and kicking.

John Merrick - Biography

John Merrick Character in The Elephant Man played by John Hirt