Jordan Freda


Is Jordan Freda Dead or Still Alive? Jordan Freda Birthday and Age

Jordan Freda

How Old Is Jordan Freda? Jordan Freda Birthday

Jordan Freda was born on May 12, 1988 and is 36 years old now.

Birthday: May 12, 1988
How Old - Age: 36

Jordan Freda Death Fact Check

Jordan is alive and kicking and is currently 36 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Jordan Freda - Biography

Emmy Honor Award for contribution of "Outstanding special / visual effects on a miniseries, movie or special" for HBO`S John Adams. Owner of `Mumz The Werd` clothing line, in-home producer and also owner of `Base Studio Productions` located in the heart of Northern California, and on the side an independent film maker. Currently filming a reality travel show `Explore22`