How Old Is Judith Bess Jones? Judith Bess Jones Birthday
Judith Bess Jones was born on November 3, 1934 and is 90 years old now.
Birthday: November 3, 1934
How Old - Age: 90
Judith Bess Jones Death Fact Check
Judith is alive and kicking and is currently 90 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Judith Bess Jones - Biography
Judith Bess Jones is an actress who was born on November 3, 1934 in Waukegan, Illinois. She is known for Cool and Lam (1958), Tattletales (1974) and It's Your Bet (1969).
She has been married to Martin Milner since February 23, 1957. Judith Bess Jones was the wife of 58-years of retired film, stage, radio and television actor, Martin Sam Milner better known only as Martin Milner, who sadly passed away aged 83. They have four children.
Judith Bess Jones is Judith Bess “Judy” Jones –a singer and actress. She met her husband at a Hollywood party in 1956, they were married less than a year later. Judith Bess Jones became Mrs. Milner in Waukegan, Illinois on February 1957. Judith Bess Jones and her husband became the parents of four children, Amy, Molly, Stuart and Andrew. Their eldest daughter, Amy –who followed into her parents steps in acting –died aged 46 of Leukemia in 2004. Amy Milner, actually had a role in Adam-12.