Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant


Is Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant Dead or Still Alive? Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant Birthday and Date of Death

Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant

Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant Death

Julia passed away on October 4, 1975 at the age of 99.

Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant death quick facts:
  • When did Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant die?

    October 4, 1975
  • How old was Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant when died?


Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant Birthday and Date of Death

Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant was born on June 7, 1876 and died on October 4, 1975. Julia was 99 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 7, 1876
Date of Death: October 4, 1975
Age at Death: 99

Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant - Biography

Julia Dent Grant Cantacuzène Spiransky, Princess Cantacuzène, Countess Spiransky (6 June 1876 – 4 October 1975), was an American author and historian. She was the eldest child of Frederick Dent Grant and his wife Ida Marie Honoré, and the first grandchild of Ulysses S. Grant, the 18th President of the United States. In 1899, she married Prince Mikhail Cantacuzène, a Russian general and diplomat.