K. Gordon Murray


Is K. Gordon Murray Dead or Still Alive? K. Gordon Murray Birthday and Date of Death

K. Gordon Murray

K. Gordon Murray Death

K passed away on December 30, 1979 at the age of 57 in Key Biscayne, FL.

K. Gordon Murray death quick facts:
  • When did K. Gordon Murray die?

    December 30, 1979
  • How old was K. Gordon Murray when died?

  • Where did K. Gordon Murray die? What was the location of death?

    Key Biscayne, FL

K. Gordon Murray Birthday and Date of Death

K. Gordon Murray was born on January 8, 1922 and died on December 30, 1979. K was 57 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 8, 1922
Date of Death: December 30, 1979
Age at Death: 57

K. Gordon Murray - Biography

K. Gordon Murray (1922–1979) was an American producer, most notable for his redubbing and re-releasing of foreign fairy tale films for U.S. audiences. He is often cited as the "King of the Kiddie Matinee". Murray also marketed many of the Mexploitation luchador films such as Santo films popular in Mexico, changing Santo's name to Samson and dubbing them in English.