Kelly Van Dyke


Is Kelly Van Dyke Dead or Still Alive? Kelly Van Dyke Birthday and Date of Death

Kelly Van Dyke

Kelly Van Dyke Death

Kelly passed away on November 17, 1991 at the age of 33 in Los Angeles, CA. Kelly's cause of death was suicide.

Kelly Van Dyke death quick facts:
  • When did Kelly Van Dyke die?

    November 17, 1991
  • How did Kelly Van Dyke die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Kelly Van Dyke when died?

  • Where did Kelly Van Dyke die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles, CA

Kelly Van Dyke Birthday and Date of Death

Kelly Van Dyke was born on June 5, 1958 and died on November 17, 1991. Kelly was 33 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 5, 1958
Date of Death: November 17, 1991
Age at Death: 33

Is Kelly Van Dyke's father, Jerry Van Dyke,Jerry Van Dyke, dead or alive?

Jerry Van Dyke,Jerry Van Dyke's information is not available now.

Kelly Van Dyke - Biography

Kelly Jean Van Dyke (June 5, 1958 – November 17, 1991) was an American actress and adult film performer. She was the daughter of actor Jerry Van Dyke and niece of the actor Dick Van Dyke. Also she was a cousin once removed of Shane Van Dyke. Jerry McCord Van Dyke (July 27, 1931 – January 5, 2018) was an American actor, musician and comedian. He made his television acting debut on The Dick Van Dyke Show with several guest appearances as Rob Petrie's brother Stacey. While his infrequent starring roles were typically in poorly received sitcoms, he enjoyed a long and successful career as a character actor in supporting and guest roles.
In May 1991, actor Jack Nance married Kelly, who worked in the adult film industry under the name Nancee Kelly.

Kelly Van Dyke-Nance committed suicide on November 17, 1991. According to her younger brother Richard, Jack Nance, who was in Bass Lake, California, filming Meatballs 4 at the time, attempted to console her on the phone as she talked about suicide. After a lightning storm knocked out the phones in Bass Lake, it subsequently took over 45 minutes for Nance and the director, Bobby Logan, to find a deputy sheriff, who in turn contacted Los Angeles police and the apartment manager. They broke in and found that the 33-year-old had hanged herself.