Kenneth Lay


Is Kenneth Lay Dead or Still Alive? Kenneth Lay Birthday and Date of Death

Kenneth Lay

Kenneth Lay Death

Kenneth passed away on July 5, 2006 at the age of 64 in Snowmass, Colorado, USA.

Kenneth Lay death quick facts:
  • When did Kenneth Lay die?

    July 5, 2006
  • How old was Kenneth Lay when died?

  • Where did Kenneth Lay die? What was the location of death?

    Snowmass, Colorado, USA

Kenneth Lay Birthday and Date of Death

Kenneth Lay was born on April 15, 1942 and died on July 5, 2006. Kenneth was 64 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 15, 1942
Date of Death: July 5, 2006
Age at Death: 64

Kenneth Lay - Biography

Kenneth Lee "Ken" Lay (April 15, 1942 – July 5, 2006) was an American businessman. He played a leading role in the corruption scandal that led to the downfall of Enron Corporation. Lay and Enron became synonymous with corporate abuse and accounting fraud when the scandal broke in 2001. Lay was the CEO and chairman of Enron from 1985 until his resignation on January 23, 2002, except for a few months in 2000 when he was chairman and Jeffrey Skilling was chief executive officer (CEO).