Kevin McNulty


Is Kevin McNulty Dead or Still Alive? Kevin McNulty Birthday and Age

Kevin McNulty

How Old Is Kevin McNulty? Kevin McNulty Birthday

Kevin McNulty was born on December 8, 1955 and is 69 years old now.

Birthday: December 8, 1955
How Old - Age: 69

Kevin McNulty Death Fact Check

Kevin is alive and kicking and is currently 69 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Kevin McNulty - Biography

Kevin McNulty (born December 8, 1955) is a Canadian actor. His appearance in science fiction films and television productions has been prolific. McNulty grew up in Rossland, British Columbia. He studied music and acting at Washington State University and graduated from Studio 58, Langara College in Vancouver. He put his acting skills to work first on stage, working for two years from 1984 to 1985 at the Straford Festival. In 1986, McNulty made his break in screen work. Since that time, he continued on a extensive track of television and film work.