Krystyna Konarska Death
Krystyna passed away on March 16, 2021 at the age of 80 in Rinteln, Germany.
When did Krystyna Konarska die?
March 16, 2021How old was Krystyna Konarska when died?
80Where did Krystyna Konarska die? What was the location of death?
Rinteln, Germany
Krystyna Konarska Birthday and Date of Death
Krystyna Konarska was born on March 8, 1941 and died on March 16, 2021. Krystyna was 80 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: March 8, 1941
Date of Death: March 16, 2021
Age at Death: 80
Krystyna Konarska - Biography
Krystyna Konarska, also known as Cristina was a Polish singer, actress who was born on March 8, 1941. She became seriously interested in singing after winning a local music competition organized by the community center. Then she delighted in the next competition - this time organized by Radio Opole. There, a person from the music industry became interested in her and invited her to Warsaw.
In 1964 she played one of the main roles in the film Penguin, and in 1965 she appeared in the film Holy war, in which she sang the song.
In 1967 she went to Paris, where she performed in Olympia and exclusive nightclubs. Later she lived in Germany. Krystyna Konarska died on March 16, 2021. Information about death was provided by Ewa Szczepanik, who ran the artist's official fan club and remained in constant contact with her.