Kseniya Sobchak


Is Kseniya Sobchak Dead or Still Alive? Kseniya Sobchak Birthday and Age

Kseniya Sobchak

How Old Is Kseniya Sobchak? Kseniya Sobchak Birthday

Kseniya Sobchak was born on November 5, 1981 and is 43 years old now.

Birthday: November 5, 1981
How Old - Age: 43

Kseniya Sobchak Death Fact Check

Kseniya is alive and kicking and is currently 43 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Kseniya Sobchak - Biography

Kseniya Anatolyevna Sobchak (Russian: Ксе́ния Анато́льевна Собча́к), born November 5, 1981 is a Russian TV anchor, journalist, socialite, and member of political opposition. Sobchak became known to the wider public as a host of the reality show Dom-2 on the Russian channel TNT. She is sometimes described as Russia's "It girl" and "Russia's Paris Hilton". She transitioned from a celebrity socialite into a political activist, and has been protesting alleged electoral fraud by the Russian President, Vladimir Putin. Sobchak is an anchor at an independent TV channel Dozhd and a member of the Russian Opposition Coordination Council.