Kurt Marshall


Is Kurt Marshall Dead or Still Alive? Kurt Marshall Birthday and Date of Death

Kurt Marshall

Kurt Marshall Death

Kurt passed away on September 30, 1988 at the age of 22 in Los Angeles, California, United States. Kurt's cause of death was aids (related kidney failure due to substance abuse and aids).

Kurt Marshall death quick facts:
  • When did Kurt Marshall die?

    September 30, 1988
  • How did Kurt Marshall die? What was the cause of death?

    Aids (related kidney failure due to substance abuse and aids)
  • How old was Kurt Marshall when died?

  • Where did Kurt Marshall die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles, California, United States

Kurt Marshall Birthday and Date of Death

Kurt Marshall was born on November 13, 1965 and died on September 30, 1988. Kurt was 22 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 13, 1965
Date of Death: September 30, 1988
Age at Death: 22

Kurt Marshall - Biography

Kurt Marshall (birth name James Allen Rideout, Jr.) (November 13, 1965 – October 10, 1988) was an actor who performed in gay pornographic films in the mid-1980s. Although he appeared in only four films, the gay pornographic industry trade publication Unzipped named him one of the top 100 gay porn stars of all time in 2006, author Leigh Rutledge listed him as the ninth most influential gay porn star of all time in 2000, and adult film magazine editor John Erich called him one of the "most beautiful" gay adult film stars of the 1980s.