Kyle Stone


Is Kyle Stone Dead or Still Alive? Kyle Stone Birthday and Date of Death

Kyle Stone

Kyle Stone Death

Kyle passed away on September 13, 2018 at the age of 54 in Santa Monica, California, USA.

Kyle Stone death quick facts:
  • When did Kyle Stone die?

    September 13, 2018
  • How old was Kyle Stone when died?

  • Where did Kyle Stone die? What was the location of death?

    Santa Monica, California, USA

Kyle Stone Birthday and Date of Death

Kyle Stone was born on October 18, 1963 and died on September 13, 2018. Kyle was 54 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 18, 1963
Date of Death: September 13, 2018
Age at Death: 54

Kyle Stone - Biography

Kyle Stone (born on October 18, 1963) is a pornographic actor. In 2007, he was inducted into the AVN Hall of Fame after fourteen years in the porn industry. He often plays the funny guy or the older male in adult films.
Stone after 14 years of pornographic films in 2007 was introduced on the AVN Hall of Fame , and often plays a comprehensive role as the oldest male in the porn movie; in the current one it exceeds 1,500 films for adults.

Before starting business with pornographic movies Kyle Stone worked in a law firm in Los Angeles . He after an erroneous phone call makes friends with a porn star named Natasha, and start a telephone sex session. The two a couple of weeks later decided to meet and have had sex: she then asked if she had ever thought about a career in porn.
Although it was in the moonlight that he practiced porn, as a result of the call of his first partner Natasha, in the following three years Kyle Stone worked in the law firm. With time in the company the secretaries have realized their secondary employment. And among them to observe the KF Show they would have organized meals in the house of some neighbors of a secretary.
These meetings between colleagues would become a source of gossip for the company, for that matter later lawyers have simply found the right reason to dismiss Stone.