Lance Kerwin Death
Lance passed away on January 24, 2023 at the age of 62 in San Clemente, California, USA.
Lance Kerwin death quick facts:
When did Lance Kerwin die?
January 24, 2023How old was Lance Kerwin when died?
62Where did Lance Kerwin die? What was the location of death?
San Clemente, California, USA
Lance Kerwin Birthday and Date of Death
Lance Kerwin was born on November 6, 1960 and died on January 24, 2023. Lance was 62 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: November 6, 1960
Date of Death: January 24, 2023
Age at Death: 62
Lance Kerwin - Biography
Lance Kerwin (born November 6, 1960) is a former American actor, known primarily for roles during his childhood and teen years in the 1970s. He played the starring role in the TV series James at 15 and the made-for-TV film The Loneliest Runner.