Larry Gains


Is Larry Gains Dead or Still Alive? Larry Gains Birthday and Date of Death

Larry Gains

Larry Gains Death

Larry passed away on July 26, 1983 at the age of 82 in Cologne, Germany.

Larry Gains death quick facts:
  • When did Larry Gains die?

    July 26, 1983
  • How old was Larry Gains when died?

  • Where did Larry Gains die? What was the location of death?

    Cologne, Germany

Larry Gains Birthday and Date of Death

Larry Gains was born on December 12, 1900 and died on July 26, 1983. Larry was 82 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 12, 1900
Date of Death: July 26, 1983
Age at Death: 82

Larry Gains - Biography

Lawrence Samuel "Larry" Gains (12 December 1900 – 26 July 1983) was a Black Canadian heavyweight boxer who was champion of the Dominion of Canada and the British Empire. One of the top heavyweights of his era, he was denied the opportunity to become World Champion due to the bar on black boxers competing for the title.