Leah Baird


Is Leah Baird Dead or Still Alive? Leah Baird Birthday and Date of Death

Leah Baird

Leah Baird Death

Leah passed away on October 3, 1971 at the age of 88 in Hollywood, California. Leah's cause of death was anemia.

Leah Baird death quick facts:
  • When did Leah Baird die?

    October 3, 1971
  • How did Leah Baird die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Leah Baird when died?

  • Where did Leah Baird die? What was the location of death?

    Hollywood, California

Leah Baird Birthday and Date of Death

Leah Baird was born on June 20, 1883 and died on October 3, 1971. Leah was 88 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 20, 1883
Date of Death: October 3, 1971
Age at Death: 88

Leah Baird - Biography

Leah Baird first made a name for herself in summer stock and traveling stock companies. After playing several leads in the William F. Brady troupe opposite Douglas Fairbanks Sr. Vitagraph signed her to a contract. Her peak years in film were from 1916-1918 at which time she was a very popular player. However her career had faded by 1925 and she retired to concentrate on scriptwriting. She later in life became a bit part player.