Lee Kyung Hae


Is Lee Kyung Hae Dead or Still Alive? Lee Kyung Hae Birthday and Date of Death

Lee Kyung Hae

Lee Kyung Hae Death

Lee passed away on September 10, 2003 at the age of 56 in Cancún, Mexico.

Lee Kyung Hae death quick facts:
  • When did Lee Kyung Hae die?

    September 10, 2003
  • How old was Lee Kyung Hae when died?

  • Where did Lee Kyung Hae die? What was the location of death?

    Cancún, Mexico

Lee Kyung Hae Birthday and Date of Death

Lee Kyung Hae was born in 1947 and died on September 10, 2003. Lee was 56 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1947
Date of Death: September 10, 2003
Age at Death: 56

Lee Kyung Hae - Biography

Lee Kyung Hae (1947 – September 10, 2003) was a South Korean farmer and activist who opposed neo-liberal globalization and protested for the local farmers and fishermen of his home country whose jobs were threatened. He was also president of the Federation of Farmers and Fishermen of Korea.