Linda Smith


Is Linda Smith Dead or Still Alive? Linda Smith Birthday and Date of Death

Linda Smith

Linda Smith Death

Linda passed away in 2007 at the age of 58.

Linda Smith death quick facts:
  • When did Linda Smith die?

  • How old was Linda Smith when died?


Linda Smith Birthday and Date of Death

Linda Smith was born in 1949 and died in 2007. Linda was 58 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1949
Date of Death: 2007
Age at Death: 58

Linda Smith - Biography

Linda Smith (1949–2007[ was a Canadian writer.Born in Lethbridge, Alberta, on April 12, 1949, Linda grew up in Calgary, Alberta. She obtained a B.A. with Distinction from the University of Calgary in 1968, and then a Bachelor of Library Science degree from the University of Alberta in 1970. She worked as a children's librarian in Truro, Nova Scotia and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, where she was also manager of the Carlyle King Branch of Saskatoon Public Library. From 1982–1984 she pursued a Master's Degree in Children's Literature from Simmons College in Boston, and it was there that she took a writing for children course from Nancy Bond. Returning to Canada she became children's librarian at Grande Prairie Public Library in northern Alberta, and also began writing.Her first book Windshifter was published in 1995 . She wrote primarily for children and young adults, and her books benefited from her years of experience as a children's librarian and her love of children's literature. She published two linked fantasy trilogies aimed at upper elementary and junior high readers, The Freyan Trilogy, and The Tales of Three Lands Trilogy, and wrote two books for younger readers: a picture book,Sir Cassie to the Rescue, and a beginning chapter book called Kelly's Cabin. Coteau Books posthumously published two other young adult fantasies by her: The Broken Thread, in 2008, which in 2010 won the Alberta Literary Award for children's literature and The Piper of Shadonia in 2012. In addition, several of her short stories were published in magazines such as On Spec, or read on CBC Radio's Alberta Anthology program.