Lisa Ferraday


Is Lisa Ferraday Dead or Still Alive? Lisa Ferraday Birthday and Date of Death

Lisa Ferraday

Lisa Ferraday Death

Lisa passed away on March 22, 2004 at the age of 83 in Palm Beach, Florida. Lisa's cause of death was heart attack.

Lisa Ferraday death quick facts:
  • When did Lisa Ferraday die?

    March 22, 2004
  • How did Lisa Ferraday die? What was the cause of death?

    Heart attack
  • How old was Lisa Ferraday when died?

  • Where did Lisa Ferraday die? What was the location of death?

    Palm Beach, Florida

Lisa Ferraday Birthday and Date of Death

Lisa Ferraday was born on March 10, 1921 and died on March 22, 2004. Lisa was 83 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 10, 1921
Date of Death: March 22, 2004
Age at Death: 83

Is Lisa Ferraday's father, Baron Nicholas De Mezey, dead or alive?

Baron Nicholas De Mezey's information is not available now.

Lisa Ferraday - Biography

Original Woolite Girl. Traveled around USA for 2 years with "Wooly" the lamb promoting the product. Woolite was a powdered product which came in a blue can at that time.Had one of the first talk shows on television called "Dinner with Lisa" out of New York City where she interviewed dignitaries and other notable persons of the day.Appeared on radio "talk" as well.Traveled to Greenland and other faraway locales to entertain the troops with Bob Hope.Conover Model, New York.Summer stock theater in the US and Europe throughout her career.Donated her time and talent to numerous charity events throughout her career and life.Master Gardener.Dedicated,Loving mother and wife.... and grandmother to 3 grandchildren.