How Old Is Lluís Homar? Lluís Homar Birthday
Lluís Homar was born on April 20, 1957 and is 67 years old now.
Birthday: April 20, 1957
How Old - Age: 67
Lluís Homar Death Fact Check
Lluís is alive and kicking and is currently 67 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Lluís Homar - Biography
Lluís Homar i Toboso (born April 20, 1957) is a Spanish actor and theater director from Barcelona. He is best known for his roles in Pedro Almodóvar's Bad Education (2004) and Broken Embraces (2009), in Emilio Aragón's Paper Birds (2010), and for his portrayal of the robot Max in Kike Maíllo's film Eva (2011).