Louis Prima


Is Louis Prima Dead or Still Alive? Louis Prima Birthday and Date of Death

Louis Prima

Louis Prima Death

Louis passed away on August 24, 1978 at the age of 67 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Louis's cause of death was brain stem tumour causing a cerebral hemorrhage resulting in a coma leading to pneumonia.

Louis Prima death quick facts:
  • When did Louis Prima die?

    August 24, 1978
  • How did Louis Prima die? What was the cause of death?

    Brain stem tumour causing a cerebral hemorrhage resulting in a coma leading to pneumonia
  • How old was Louis Prima when died?

  • Where did Louis Prima die? What was the location of death?

    New Orleans, Louisiana

Louis Prima Birthday and Date of Death

Louis Prima was born on December 7, 1910 and died on August 24, 1978. Louis was 67 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 7, 1910
Date of Death: August 24, 1978
Age at Death: 67

Is Louis Prima's father, Anthony Prima, dead or alive?

Anthony Prima's information is not available now.

Is Louis Prima's mother, Angelina, dead or alive?

Angelina's information is not available now.

Louis Prima's sister :

  • Elizabeth Prima

Louis Prima's brother :

  • Leon Prima

Louis Prima - Biography

Louis Prima was an American singer, actor, songwriter, and trumpeter. Prima rode the musical trends of his time, starting with his seven-piece New Orleans style jazz band in the late 1920s, then leading a swing combo in the 1930s, a big band in the 1940s, a Vegas lounge act in the 1950s, and a pop-rock band in the 1960s.