Loy Allen Bowlin


Is Loy Allen Bowlin Dead or Still Alive? Loy Allen Bowlin Birthday and Date of Death

Loy Allen Bowlin

Loy Allen Bowlin Death

Loy passed away on June 14, 1995 at the age of 86 in McComb, Mississippi.

Loy Allen Bowlin death quick facts:
  • When did Loy Allen Bowlin die?

    June 14, 1995
  • How old was Loy Allen Bowlin when died?

  • Where did Loy Allen Bowlin die? What was the location of death?

    McComb, Mississippi

Loy Allen Bowlin Birthday and Date of Death

Loy Allen Bowlin was born in 1909 and died on June 14, 1995. Loy was 86 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1909
Date of Death: June 14, 1995
Age at Death: 86

Loy Allen Bowlin - Biography

Loy Allen Bowlin (1909–1995), also known as The Original Rhinestone Cowboy, was an outsider artist from McComb, Mississippi. His artwork largely included bejeweling his clothing, Cadillac, home and even his dentures with thousands of rhinestones. Bowlin's life and work have been acclaimed by various outsider art critics and periodicals including Raw Vision.