Marcel L'Herbier


Is Marcel L'Herbier Dead or Still Alive? Marcel L'Herbier Birthday and Date of Death

Marcel L'Herbier

Marcel L'Herbier Death

Marcel passed away on November 26, 1979 at the age of 91 in Paris, France.

Marcel L'Herbier death quick facts:
  • When did Marcel L'Herbier die?

    November 26, 1979
  • How old was Marcel L'Herbier when died?

  • Where did Marcel L'Herbier die? What was the location of death?

    Paris, France

Marcel L'Herbier Birthday and Date of Death

Marcel L'Herbier was born on April 23, 1888 and died on November 26, 1979. Marcel was 91 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 23, 1888
Date of Death: November 26, 1979
Age at Death: 91

Marcel L'Herbier - Biography

Marcel L'Herbier, Légion d'honneur (23 April 1888 – 26 November 1979), was a French filmmaker who achieved prominence as an avant-garde theorist and imaginative practitioner with a series of silent films in the 1920s. His career as a director continued until the 1950s and he made more than 40 feature films in total. During the 1950s and 1960s he worked on cultural programmes for French television. He also fulfilled many administrative roles in the French film industry, and he was the founder and the first President of the Institut des hautes études cinématographiques (IDHEC).