Marie Rose Morel


Is Marie Rose Morel Dead or Still Alive? Marie Rose Morel Birthday and Date of Death

Marie Rose Morel

Marie Rose Morel Death

Marie-Rose passed away on February 8, 2011 at the age of 38.

Marie Rose Morel death quick facts:
  • When did Marie Rose Morel die?

    February 8, 2011
  • How old was Marie Rose Morel when died?


Marie Rose Morel Birthday and Date of Death

Marie Rose Morel was born on August 26, 1972 and died on February 8, 2011. Marie-Rose was 38 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 26, 1972
Date of Death: February 8, 2011
Age at Death: 38

Marie Rose Morel - Biography

Marie Rose Louise Constant Morel (26 August 1972 – 8 February 2011) was a Flemish-Belgian politician. She became a member of the Flemish Parliament for the Vlaams Belang in 2004, after leaving the New-Flemish Alliance.