Mark Davis


Is Mark Davis Dead or Still Alive? Mark Davis Birthday and Date of Death

Mark Davis

Mark Davis Death

Mark Davis passed away on August 13, 2003 in Springwood, Ohio.

Mark Davis death quick facts:
  • When did Mark Davis die?

    August 13, 2003
  • How old was Mark Davis when died?

  • Where did Mark Davis die? What was the location of death?

    Springwood, Ohio

Mark Davis Birthday and Date of Death

Mark Davis died on August 13, 2003.

Birthday: -
Date of Death: August 13, 2003
Age at Death: -

Mark Davis's brother :

  • Bobby Davis (Older Brother)

Mark Davis - Biography

Mark Davis is a character appearing in Freddy Vs. Jason portrayed by Brendan Fletcher. Mark Davis was introduced to the movie as a patient at Westin Hills. The reason Mark was sent to Westin was because his brother (unnamed) committed suicide because he couldn't take the nightmares with Freddy any longer. Will Rollins, who was put into Westin Hills because he saw Dr. Campbell murder Lori's mother, was his best friend over at Westin. When he found out that Will needed to go see Lori, he decided to help him out of Westin. He acted like a monkey, making monkey noises and jumping around the room. The person watching him was seen taking two needles and some tranquilizer before the scene cuts to show two workers dragging him through the halls to his and Will's room and putting him in the bed, saying, "Sweet dreams, Monkey Boy." Will asked him what he did that for, and as a reply, he held up the keys that he had stolen. The scene then cuts to show Will helping Mark through the rain, calling him a lunatic, to which Mark replies, "I know you are, but what am I?"