Martin Terefe


Is Martin Terefe Dead or Still Alive? Martin Terefe Birthday and Age

Martin Terefe

How Old Is Martin Terefe? Martin Terefe Birthday

Martin Terefe was born in 1969 and is 55 years old now.

Birthday: 1969
How Old - Age: 55

Martin Terefe Death Fact Check

Martin is alive and kicking and is currently 55 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Martin Terefe - Biography

Martin has enjoyed considerable international success with his co-written and produced song "Other Side Of The World" by KT Tunstall. Martin worked with KT right at the beginning, and was very much part of her development as an artist. He has worked in similar ways as a writer/producer with artists such as Shea Seager, and Glen Scott, and as a producer with Ron Sexsmith writing with him such beautiful songs such as "Gold In Them Hills" featuring Chris Martin.He is Swedish by birth, and has travelled extensively throughout the world working with artists and musicians from an incredibly broad panorama of music. Most recently he co-wrote and produced the new studio album by A-Ha, including the single "Celice" and Martin has produced and mixed the solo album for Magne F.