Mary Maxwell Gates


Is Mary Maxwell Gates Dead or Still Alive? Mary Maxwell Gates Birthday and Date of Death

Mary Maxwell Gates

Mary Maxwell Gates Death

Mary passed away on June 9, 1994 at the age of 64.

Mary Maxwell Gates death quick facts:
  • When did Mary Maxwell Gates die?

    June 9, 1994
  • How old was Mary Maxwell Gates when died?


Mary Maxwell Gates Birthday and Date of Death

Mary Maxwell Gates was born on July 5, 1929 and died on June 9, 1994. Mary was 64 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 5, 1929
Date of Death: June 9, 1994
Age at Death: 64

Mary Maxwell Gates - Biography

Mary Maxwell House Gates (July 5, 1929 – June 10, 1994) was an American businesswoman. Gates served 18 years (1975–1993) on the University of Washington board of regents. She was the first female president of King County’s United Way, the first woman to chair the national United Way’s executive committee where she served most notably with IBM's CEO, John Opel, and the first woman on the First Interstate Bank of Washington's board of directors. Mary's son Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft.