Masuimi Max Death
Masuimi passed away on January 25, 2024 at the age of 45 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
When did Masuimi Max die?
January 25, 2024How old was Masuimi Max when died?
45Where did Masuimi Max die? What was the location of death?
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Masuimi Max Birthday and Date of Death
Masuimi Max was born on March 12, 1978 and died on January 25, 2024. Masuimi was 45 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: March 12, 1978
Date of Death: January 25, 2024
Age at Death: 45
Masuimi Max - Biography
Masuimi Max (born March 12, 1978, in Jacksonville, Arkansas, USA) is an American model of Korean and German descent. Masuimi is known for her many tattoos and her interest in several fetishes. Her mother died while giving birth to her second daughter, Yong-Son Max, when Masuimi was six. Her father remarried a few times after that and had a son named Charles. Masuimi started stripping at the age of 18 to make money after her family had disowned her when she was 17. She has appeared in dozens of magazines and photoshoots, as well as music videos. She also makes personal appearances at car shows. Because of her facial features and overall body shape, she is often compared to Angelina Jolie. Masuimi recently appeared in the Tiger Army music video "Rose of the Devil`s Garden" and as a contestant in the reality television game show Fear Factor. Although "Masuimi Max" is her stage name, she had two tattoos of the name written in Japanese. When translated, however, her tattoos actually say "Masumi". As explained by Masuimi herself "they are tattooed on my arms the way they are pronounced, not the way it is spelled in english. Some of you may already know, Hiragana and Katakana represents sounds, not letters like the English alphabet. My name is spelled Masuimi, but the first `i` is silent. Thus, the pronunciation of my name is exactly how it is tattooed on my arms.".