Maurice Gibb


Is Maurice Gibb Dead or Still Alive? Maurice Gibb Birthday and Date of Death

Maurice Gibb

Maurice Gibb Death

Maurice passed away on January 12, 2003 at the age of 53 in Miami Beach, Florida, USA. Maurice's cause of death was complication of surgery.

Maurice Gibb death quick facts:
  • When did Maurice Gibb die?

    January 12, 2003
  • How did Maurice Gibb die? What was the cause of death?

    Complication of surgery
  • How old was Maurice Gibb when died?

  • Where did Maurice Gibb die? What was the location of death?

    Miami Beach, Florida, USA

Maurice Gibb Birthday and Date of Death

Maurice Gibb was born on December 22, 1949 and died on January 12, 2003. Maurice was 53 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 22, 1949
Date of Death: January 12, 2003
Age at Death: 53

Maurice Gibb's sister :

  • Lesley

Maurice Gibb's brothers :

Maurice has 3 brothers:
  • Maurice Gibb's brother, Barry Gibb, is still alive and kicking at the age of 77. He is British and has had a career as a singer.

  • Maurice Gibb's brother, Robin Gibb, died on May 20, 2012 as he was 62 years old. His cause of death was colorectal cancer.

  • Maurice Gibb's brother, Andy Gibb, died on March 10, 1988 as he was 30 years old. His cause of death was viral infection which was exacerbated by his years of cocaine abuse.

Maurice Gibb - Biography

Maurice Ernest Gibb, CBE (22 December 1949 – 12 January 2003) was an English singer, songwriter and producer who achieved international fame in the Bee Gees. Although his brothers Barry and Robin were the group's main lead singers, most of their albums included at least one or two Maurice Gibb compositions, including "Lay It on Me", "Country Woman" and "On Time". The Bee Gees were one of the most successful rock-pop groups ever. Gibb's role in the group focused on melody and arrangements, providing backing vocal harmony and playing a variety of instruments.