Megan Charpentier


Is Megan Charpentier Dead or Still Alive? Megan Charpentier Birthday and Age

Megan Charpentier

How Old Is Megan Charpentier? Megan Charpentier Birthday

Megan Charpentier was born on May 26, 2001 and is 23 years old now.

Birthday: May 26, 2001
How Old - Age: 23

Megan Charpentier Death Fact Check

Megan is alive and kicking and is currently 23 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Megan Charpentier's sisters :

Megan has 2 sisters:
  • Madison Charpentier
  • Genea Charpentier (actress)

Megan Charpentier - Biography

Actress Megan Charpentier has starred alongside Jessica Chastain and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau in Universal's widely successful Guillermo del Toro horror film Mama, Megan will showcase her captivating skills on the big screen once again, in Disney's highly anticipated feature film The Games Maker with Joseph Fiennes, Tom Cavanagh and Ed Asner, anticipated release summer of 2014. She was recently cast in the upcoming Lifetime Movie Grumpy Cat's Worst christmas Ever.Born in New Westminster, British Columbia and raised in the neighboring town, Megan started acting at an early age. Having appeared in a number of commercials for notable brands, such as Mattel and Hasbro, all before the age of 6, Megan was able to explore other acting avenues and started auditioning for television and film. She quickly booked a series of television roles including Painkiller Jane, Alien's in America, Fringe and Life Unexpected. Most recently Megan can be seen in Motive, Supernatural and television movie Profile For Murder.Megan's big break came when she played the young version of Amanda Seyfried's character Needy in the cult classic Jennifers Body. Casting directors loved the comparison of Megan to Amanda, and again cast her as a younger version of the starlet in the Warner Brothers film, Red riding Hood. Megan was nominated for a Young Artist Award (Best Performance in a Feature Film - Young Actress Ten and Under) earlier this year for her role as Young Valerie in the hit thriller. This was her second nomination by the Young Artist Awards in 2012, as Megan was also honored for her work in the television movie "He Loves Me," (Best Performance in a TV Movie-Supporting Young Actress). Megan was immediately cast as The Red Queen in the box office hit Resident Evil: retribution.When Megan isn't acting, she enjoys soccer, hockey, horseback riding, dancing and swimming. But the fun doesn't stop there; Megan loves making homemade iMovies and is also an avid reader. Her favorite book is currently The Hunger Games. Furthermore, Megan has a big heart and enjoys working with charities that focus on children and animal support. In the future she hopes to work with Tom Hanks, Meryl Streep and Matt Damon as they share the same admiration and commitment that Megan does to the craft of acting.Megan is represented by Lesa Kirk / Open Entertainment and David Burns / Liz Bell Agency.