Michael Bluestein


Is Michael Bluestein Dead or Still Alive? Michael Bluestein Birthday and Age

Michael Bluestein

How Old Is Michael Bluestein? Michael Bluestein Birthday

Michael Bluestein was born on November 3, 1975 and is 49 years old now.

Birthday: November 3, 1975
How Old - Age: 49

Michael Bluestein Death Fact Check

Michael is alive and kicking and is currently 49 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Michael Bluestein - Biography

Michael Bluestein is an American pianist, keyboardist, singer/songwriter, composer and record producer originally from Massachusetts. He has been a member of the rock group Foreigner since 2008, and has been a high profile touring keyboardist and vocalist since moving to Los Angeles in 2003.