Michael Chiarello


Is Michael Chiarello Dead or Still Alive? Michael Chiarello Birthday and Date of Death

Michael Chiarello

Michael Chiarello Death

Michael passed away on October 6, 2023 at the age of 61 in Providence Queen of the Valley Medical Center, Napa, California, USA. Michael's cause of death was allergic reaction that led to anaphylaxis.

Michael Chiarello death quick facts:
  • When did Michael Chiarello die?

    October 6, 2023
  • How did Michael Chiarello die? What was the cause of death?

    Allergic reaction that led to anaphylaxis
  • How old was Michael Chiarello when died?

  • Where did Michael Chiarello die? What was the location of death?

    Providence Queen of the Valley Medical Center, Napa, California, USA

Michael Chiarello Birthday and Date of Death

Michael Chiarello was born on January 26, 1962 and died on October 6, 2023. Michael was 61 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 26, 1962
Date of Death: October 6, 2023
Age at Death: 61

Michael Chiarello - Biography

Michael Chiarello (born January 26, 1962 in Red Bluff, California, United States) is an American celebrity chef specializing in Italian-influenced California cuisine. He hosts the cooking show, Easy Entertaining with Michael Chiarello, on the Food Network and hosts NapaStyle on the Fine Living Network. Chiraello owns a winery, Chiarello Family Vineyards, Bottega Ristorante and NapaStyle, a purveyor of food, cookware, and furniture in Yountville, and was a competitor on the fourth season of The Next Iron Chef, where he placed as the second runner up. In spring 2013, Michael opened Coqueta, a tapas restaurant on San Francisco's waterfront.